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Join Us - Become a Member!

Rainy Day Village Network connects you to a supportive group of neighbors in your own community. Members are entitled to receive services from our vetted volunteers upon request. In addition to requests for specific services, we also offer monthly Coffee Conversations, informal gatherings and transportation to local events to help you stay connected, meet old friends, and make new ones.


RDVN is a volunteer only endeavor. Membership fees cover the costs of postage and printing, insurance, volunteer recruiting and training, telephone, website and communication and membership in Villages Northwest.
Rainy Day Village Network has a commitment to be inclusive of all who wish to become a member. We have established the Umbrella Fund to provide financial assistance for those living on low and/or fixed incomes. Please contact the office or Membership Team for more information.


We're pleased that you are interested in becoming a member of our local village. Becoming a member includes four steps to ensure that we can meet your expectations and that membership in RDVN can meet your needs:
Make sure to add and to your list of safe senders.
If you're expecting a communication from us and haven't received the email, check your junk or spam folder and mark the message as "not junk" or "not spam".
Remember, you can always call our office if you're still having issues 503-482-9695.
  1. Complete a Membership Application either on-line or fill out an application at one of our events. You may also request that an application be sent to your home address. Email us at to request an application or for more information.

  2. A RDVN volunteer will come to your home for a conversation about what we can offer to you and learn more about your specific needs and what services might interest you.  

  3. Sign the Membership Agreement and any other relevant papers.

  4. Make the necessary arrangements to pay for your membership.

Click here to complete the Membership Application.