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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need a Village in our small towns?
Many who live in our area have the support they need from family and friends. However, as needs and circumstances change, Rainy Day Village Network can fill in the gaps, as well as provide assistance to those who do not benefit from family or neighborly support.

What if I can’t afford the full cost of membership?
RDVN is committed to being inclusive of all who wish to become a member. The Umbrella Fund will subsidize the membership fees of those living on low and/or fixed incomes. These funds will come from donations, grants and gift memberships from friends or family.

Why is there a membership cost for RDVN?
Membership fees will be used to cover the costs of printing, volunteer recruiting and training, telephone service, purchase and maintenance of a data base, website and email platform, postage, insurance, banking fees and membership fees to Villages NW. RDVN staff and administrators are all volunteers.

If I am healthy and active, should I join now?
Yes. Your membership will support the initial launch, growth and sustainability of RDVN. Staying active, connecting with others of similar interests and meeting new people help to keep us vibrant and healthy.

As a Rainy Day Village Network member, must I volunteer?
It is not necessary to volunteer to be a member. Members are encouraged to volunteer in keeping with their ability and availability. All volunteers help make RDVN a lasting reality.

If I am a member and a volunteer, do I get a discount on my membership fee?
We are not able to offer volunteers a discount on membership fees. RDVN couldn’t exist without volunteers and everyone involved in RDVN gives their time and talents to sustain RDVN.

What do I do if I have a medical emergency?
In the event of a medical emergency, members should dial 911. Rainy Day Village is not an emergency response service.

How else can I help?
Spread the word about RDVN. Donations are always welcome. Your feedback and suggestions are appreciated.